Creating The Perfect Environment For You and Your Baby
Having a new baby is one of the most joyful events you will have in your life and therefore you want to ensure you have chosen the right Glasgow newborn photographer who not only has the most photography training and experience but someone who will make sure you and your baby are completely safe and happy. That is why I have created a perfect baby environment within my Glasgow Newborn Photography Studio for you to visit, and why this article will inform you why both you and your baby will be comfortable during your newborn session and what you can expect.
Preparing For The Session
After you have booked your session with me, I will call you for a quick chat to find out what kind of photography you love, what colours and props you want me to use during your baby’s newborn session and if you have thought about how you would like to present your photographs after you have viewed your gallery. It’s during this call I will give you some tips on how to prepare your baby for their newborn session, these preparation tips will soothe your baby into a deep sleep when arriving at the studio and allow us to start the session upon your arrival.
I have created a warm and cosy environment in the studio which both you and your baby will feel relaxed and at home. For the next couple of hours you can watch me from the comfort of the sofa whilst I work with your baby creating wonderful images that will grow in importance as your little one gets older. The chances are you will be feeling tired from lack of sleep with the arrival of your new baby so I really want you to take this time to relax and let me take over for the duration of your new-born photography session.
What Is a “Baby Led” Session?
Understanding of the physiology of a new-born and the safest and most comfortable way to pose your baby is paramount during a new-born photography session. All my sessions are “baby-led” which simply means I follow the cues from you and your baby, this means I am meeting all your little ones needs during your newborn session. I don’t follow a rigid workflow of shots, I watch your baby’s natural rhythms, keeping baby calm and peaceful allows me to achieve beautifully natural images of your family. “Baby Led” photography sessions are much shorter in duration and should be complete in around 2 hours.
Noise and Temperature
The noise and temperature in the studio is designed to mimic the environment your baby has been used to for the first 9 months in your womb. Temperature is closely regulated at around 26C, which is a comfortable temperature for most babies. I use white noise and a baby shusher, which mimics the sound of your womb, coupled with my Munchkin vibrating mattresses that gently produce the rocking and swaying motion that babies love. All of these things will help keep your baby warm, comfortable and content whilst they are being photographed.
Why Wrap?
My workflow is simple; I start with wrapping your baby as I find babies feel more secure and happy when they are snugly wrapped. I have carefully chosen the wraps I swaddle your baby in, the wraps are premium, natural organic cheesecloth that will feel soft against your baby’s skin. Your baby will be posed in a few carefully selected props and when my hands are not hovering over your baby whilst I’m posing her, I will ask Dad to watch over the baby when I’m taking the photographs.
All Natural Photographs
After the wrapped photographs have been created, your baby is then positioned onto the comfortable bean bag and I carefully unwrap your little one and begin with the natural images. In between posing baby I will have been taking close up photographs of all the little details of your baby’s features so you can remember in the coming years how long her eyelashes were, how pouty her lips and tiny her toes were.
The Family Photographs
The session will be rounded off with some family photographs that you and the Grandparents will treasure forever.
Over the past 11 years I have thoughtfully created a newborn photography session with you in mind, an environment that is all about you and your baby.
I never forget it is a privilege to photograph your little wonder and it is never lost on me that the reason why you have decided to hire me is to document every little detail of your baby and to document this incredible chapter on your lives for you to remember forever.
If you’d like me to create some beautiful new-born portraits of your baby then you can contact me on 07581 561646, or here, or email me at
Dawn Martin Photography is a Scottish new-born and family photographer proudly serving Glasgow, and South Lanarkshire. Dawn creates beautiful portraits of your children, as new-born babies and as they grow into little people.